Your satisfaction with your new roof is our priority. Our step-by-step re-roofing process ensures your roofing project is safe, timely and professional. Call us at (407) 477-2823 to get started.
Shingle materials are delivered rooftop on a conveyor belt a few days ahead of our roofing installation. On some cases and especially larger houses they may be delivered after we have started the roof to avoid having to move the material around on the roof.
The day before the roof job starts a dump trailer is delivered to the property. This is usually parked in front of the owners garage. This is where the debris from the old roof and material waste of the new roof will be disposed of. It is important that the owner have any cars from the garage removed so they do not become locked in.
The roof replacement is a noisy process. During the re-nailing of the deck and nailing of your shingles expect muffled thumping sounds and small vibrations throughout your home. If you work from home or have a pet that may be upset by this please take precautions. There’s no way around it. But we do all we can to minimize hassle and inconvenience during the roofing process.
The project manager maintains constant communication with the homeowner throughout the process, addressing any concerns and letting them know if we have encountered anything unexpected.
The day we start, our roofing crew typically arrives at the jobsite between 7-8 am. The project manager contacts the homeowner and lets them know they will be supervising the work and in case of any concerns, to please contact them. The first thing we do is install tarps around the work area to protect your driveways and/or plant areas from falling debris. These tarps are strategically rotated around the perimeter of the home to where the work is being performed. The crew usually begins the tear off of your existing roof from the furthest point and move towards the trailer. Before the protective underlayment is installed (dry-in), we re-nail the deck as needed for current code requirements and replace any damaged decking or wood to your home. The dry-in will protect your home and the wood underneath from any weather that may occur during your installation.
Building department inspections are scheduled throughout the process per the controlling municipalities requirements. Once the dry-in is complete and any required inspections are met, your roof nailing will begin. Unless special inspection requirements are necessary or weather deviations are present expect our roofing crew to arrive daily between 7-8 am.
Upon completion, a complete cleanup will be done, final building inspection will be scheduled as well as a walkthrough with the project manager to ensure the customer is satisfied.